Southeastern Spanish Ibex | Online Record Book Preview

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Southeastern Spanish Ibex (free range) - Species Detail

AKA: Gold: 74 2/8" Gold (Bow): 65 2/8"
Endangered: Silver: 68 5/8" Silver (Bow): 58"
Bronze: 63" Bronze (Bow): 57 5/8"
Southeastern Spanish Ibex (free range)
Map Legend

Capra pyrenaica hispanica

The southeastern Spanish ibex is one of three categories established for record-keeping purposes by splitting Mediterranean ibex (subspecies hispanica) into geographical groups based on horn size and shape. (The other two are Beceite ibex and Ronda ibex.)

DESCRIPTION Smaller and lighter in color than the Beceite and Gredos types, but larger and darker than the Ronda type. Horn size and shape vary considerably from place to place, with those from the Sierra Nevada generally the largest. Horns from Tejada-Almijara tend to be the most distinctive, forming a circle with the tips growing toward the neck like those of a mouflon. The keel is smooth, making the horns almost round in cross-section.

DISTRIBUTION The mountains and reserves of Tejada, Almijara, Sierra Nevada, Lujar, Cazorla, and Muela de Cortes in southeastern Spain.

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The Southeastern Spanish Ibex (free range) currently has 441 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book!

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