Browse Records
You can browse to find any Record Book entry by Species, Member, Hunting Company/Guide, Measurer, or Location. Additional options are added to filter your selection by continents, countries, and keywords or you can use the letter selectors to jump directly to what you're looking for.

Where Do I Rank?
You can submit your score and method of kill for any species, and it will interactively show you where you would rank in the book if your entry was submitted today.

World Hunting Awards
If you are an active SCI Member, you can view all the World Hunting Awards you've purchased and which awards you are eligible for. There is a selection of customized reports that show your award status, and you can also submit a species to see which awards it is eligible for.

Advanced Search
Cannot find what your looking for by browsing records? There is an advanced search feature where you can search for any record or list of records matching criteria based on multiple fields.
